Sunday, January 3, 2010

Questioning how to simply end lobbying in Washington?

This is the sole reason I do not vote. It doesn’t matter who you vote for or what party they are in. Politicians will be influenced by lobbyist and big corps. But here's the rub, for some reason our court system seems to think that giving money to someone's campaign is the same as speech! I don't know how they legally came to this conclusion, but frankly that doesn’t make any sense.

Here is my solution:
A politician is required to recues him/herself from any committee or vote or amendment that directly or indirectly affects a company that donates them money over the amount that single person can.

But, no one would be able to vote on anything, you say. Exactly. The point I am trying to make here is that any corp or business that donates or has access to a senator or congressman above and beyond what I as citizen have will have more influence over the vote.

This obviously could not be a law, because the courts would be able to interfere. It would need to be a rule of conduct or house proceedings etc.

If you still want to argue against this then I have one question for you: Let’ say a big company like ATT was told that any election campaign they donated too and the person won, that that person would not be able to vote on any issue that involved them. Would they still donate the money? If the answer is yes, then this rule would not hurt the election process. If the answer is no, then clearly campaign contributions are not free speech and are bribery.

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